Greystone Engineering

Worked together again with Signature Pictures Academy to create this animation for Greystone - a recruiting agency focusing on reinventing role-finding for the top engineers in the field.

The client requested we used the “n” in their logo as the base for their main character. We went through a few different styles until we arrived at our final design. It was a fun challenge to get the character to hold a good silhouette and look stylized (they wanted to keep the animation looking rather “elegant” as is their style) with a bright letter in their torso.


The animation itself went through quite a few changes, but we’re really happy with the place it finally reached. Using a mix of motion graphics and character animation, the Greystone film effectively explains what they’re all about and details their role-finding process.

It was an absolute pleasure working with SPA, as always!


Alzheimer's Society - Dementia


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